Sunday, June 7, 2009

First few yrs of Truck Driving

I remember I was sitting at home wondering what I was going to do for work.  I was just coming off an injury that I had suffered and was out of work for a while.  In the newspaper there were plenty of minimum wage jobs that didn't interest me.  I was looking for something that would be more satisfying and in the line of a career instead of just a job.  So here was an ad for truck driving.  I never thought it was something that I could do.  Well I called and the next thing I knew I was heading down to Fontana CA to attend the school for truck driving.

I have to say that those first few weeks were very interesting.  I can't always be online every day and lately my computer has been acting up.  So to those who do view my site, I do apologize and hope to be able to post more often.  Until then we will just have to enjoy when I can.  Stay tuned and more will be coming as days pass.

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